「I told myself any experience is better than no experience. I wanted to live... sing my song.」「I didn't believe enough in love. Afraid it would burn me up. → Be ready to suffer. Don't be afraid.」「Sometimes the truth isn't the right thing to say. You can hurt someone more 'saying it.」「The music's all about feeling free. So you don't have to do nothing to be free.」「I never knew I had a soul. The word embarrassed me.」恶有恶报善有善报,一部所谓的悬疑片,拍出了人性丑恶遭到了报应. 弱小的,并不是软弱,人的所作所为,会折射在一生中. 西蒙,无论在青少年的学生时代,还是职业生涯中,以捏造事实,陷害他人,欺辱他人,而获得好处,最终还是害了自己,职位没有了,妻子离开了. 这样的恶人,其实在我们身边,一生中总会见到这些程度不同的西蒙. 片子豆瓣6.6分,我要给7分以上,完成度比较好,悬疑片基本够格,人物关系和故事场景都不错. 还有女主角很漂亮,男女主角演得好.